goa is a slow happy smile, starting from the heart, reaching to the mouth and lighting up the eyes.
it is an escape from crushing deadlines, P3Ps and deathly pressure of wannabe big citiness that is the mood of namma bengaluru.
goa is where hair gets frizzy, yes but skin clears up. one eats too much and drinks far too much but heck, no ever gets hungover in goa.
last year, i gave in to whimsy and bought an old house in south goa. everyone was aghast.
our son said: "ugh, it looks like it will fall down"
sisters said: " how are you going to maintain a house so far away?"
others said:" why in the south? north is the most happening"
owww, i don't go to goa to be happening. i go there to reconnect with myself.
victor, a national award winning artist, has a passion for restoring goan homes and i trusted him instinctively. but it's been a long 12 months since victor took up the restoration. i agonised over the money that seemed to seep away, fought bitterly with victor who refused to
compromise his artistic sensibilities. several times, i mentally christened it 'sandy's folly'.
but hey, this story has a happy ending.
i went there last week and found it like this: picture book pretty, adorable and welcoming.